Rio Coffee
Offer: All GPStar can enjoy 12% discount on all Item.
- To avail, write: RIO <>Bill Amount & send to 29000.
- Offer duration till July 31, 2024.
- Category: Restaurant and Café
Contact: 01810030271, 01321875991
Outlet Address:
1. GEC Outlet: Well Equity City Center 1st Floor, Well Equity City Center, 944 O. R. Nizam Road, GEC Cirlcle, Chattogram. (Building Under Construction )
2. Khulshi Outlet (Cafe and Restaurant): The Triangle, Khulshi Road no 1 -Main Road (lift 3), over Brac Bank, Zakir Hossain Road, Chattogram.
3. Panchlaish Utshab Outlet: Utshab Super Market (Food Court), Panchlaish,Chattogram.
4. Kazirdewri Hall 24 Outlet: Hall 24 Convention Center, CRB Road,Kazirdewri, Chattogram.
5. Agrabad Outlet: Akhtaruzzaman Center (Ground Floor), Badamtali More, Agrabad, Chattogram.
6. Halishahar Outlet: 5 Port Connecting Road, Halishahar, Chattogram.
Facebook page: Rio Coffee Chattogram | Facebook